Silencing media is part of UN global compact on migration. Here’s what Canadians need to know.(Guest: Catherine Bayne)


November 7th, 2018

34 mins 28 secs

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Have you heard about the UN Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration?

Canada is about to sign onto this agreement but many Canadians are in the dark about what the agreement is and what it will do to Canadian sovereignty.

This global compact for migration isn't about refugees, or people fleeing violence, persecution, war, disease or even famine.

It’s about economic migration and even more broadly — migration for any reason whatsoever.

Signatories to the agreement will agree to make migration from one country to another a human right and not something determined exclusively by a sovereign state based upon merit and needs.

But with imaginary human rights, come some very real costs. Much of the pact is focused on ensuring that benefits, supports, training, and healthcare are not denied to economic migrants due to their migration status.

The mainstream media in Canada hasn’t really been talking about the global compact on migration nor have they been discussing what unrestrained migration will do to Canada, and the reason for that is written into the pact itself.

One objective of the pact is to “promote independent, objective and quality reporting of media outlets including by sensitizing media professionals on migration-related issues and terminology.”

The non-Orwellian translation? One objective of the pact is to train reporters to use UN approved words in order to favourably cover mass migration.

So, what happens to media outlets who refuse to comply with the UN whitewashing of migration-related news? The pact has an answer for that, too.

Section 17 calls for “investing in ethical advertising, restricting public funding and material support to media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants.”

In other words, if a reporter in a country that has signed the pact tells the truth about mass migration, they could cause their media outlet to lose a bailout, advertising money, grant, or in the CBC’s case, a subsidy.

Joining me tonight is someone who noticed the problem with the global compact on migration and decided to do something about it by starting a House of Commons e-petition with her friend George Brown calling on the government to walk away from the pact. That petition is now sponsored by People's Party of Canada MP, Maxine Bernier

My guest via Skype from Sault Saint Marie is citizen activist, Catherine Bayne.

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